With a little luck and perseverance, networking through SNS can be a worthwhile pursuit, he said. 他说:再凭借一点运气和毅力,社交求职颇值得一试。
We indefinitely commit to not simply "try our luck", but instead to carry on your needs through a thoughtful selection of suppliers. 我们不会只是简单的“尝试一下运气”,而是把您的需求带至我们审核过的供应商们。
I wish her luck; I hope she got through the lines and found her sweetheart. 我祝她一路顺风,希望她安全通过封锁线,找到她的情人。
It will take some luck and much judgment to pass through the storms unscathed. 要想安然渡过这场风暴,需要一些运气,更需要明智的判断。
But it hints a hunger luck, for them, the happiness gained through the hard-time was so heart-warming and cheerful. 不过这似乎也意味着另外一种更大的幸运,在困难时候得来的幸福更让鼓舞和温暖人心。
The pursuit of happiness, beauty, safety and luck of Chinese people are ingeniously and carefully demonstrated through the names of hutongs, the renovation of buildings and interior decoration. 从胡同的名称,到建筑的装饰,乃至室内的陈设,都非常讲究、非常巧妙地传达出中国老百姓对对幸福、美好、平安、吉祥的追求。
"The Joy Luck Club" is not an easy film to sit through, as the lives of these women seem to have little joy or luck. 《喜福会》不是一部能让人轻轻松松看完的电影,因为影片主角们的生活似乎与喜和福毫无关联。
Bad luck has pursued us all through the year. 这一年来我们一直厄运缠身。
He'd had no luck through his usual channels and asked me for help. 不幸的是他的渠道解决问题,他向我求助。
A few lucky breaks at the right time wouldn't go amiss but we can't just rely on good luck to see us through. 某些时刻的幸运不会造成什么不妥,但我不能总依靠幸运。
She was relying on luck to get the through. 她靠运气熬了过来。
Success does not come by luck but through specific actions on our parts. 成功并非来自运气,而是来自我们的具体行动。
Don't expect to luck through without an effort. 别指望不经努力就能侥幸成功。
Be happy, be cheerful. It's time to celebrate. My friend was born today. Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through. 祝你幸福,愿你快乐,庆祝今天你来到这个世上。在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴!
Good luck getting a stake through that. 靠运气才能射穿骨头。
On Implicit Conjunction through Two Translation Versions of Luck by Mark Twain 从马克·吐温Luck的两种译文看其隐性连接
Use navigation automation fussy theory for reference, navigation FSA appraises and system, will be not the quantization data quantization, appraise to pulling through luck risk being in progress impartial, objective, is that the job pulling through luck safety administration provides a reference. 借鉴航海自动化模糊理论,和航海FSA评估体系,将非量化的数据量化,公正、客观对渡运风险进行评估,为渡运安全管理工作提供参考。
The paper discusses the conjunction methods of English and Chinese and the transfer of them in the process of translating English into Chinese through two translation versions of Luck by Mark Twain. 文章通过马克·吐温Luck(运气)的两种译文,讨论了英汉两种语言衔接手段以及在英译汉过程中的转化问题。